

A new booklet highlighting key questions for each disease as new goals are defined for 2030

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A bacterial eye infection which can lead to blindness.
A bacterial infection which, if left untreated, causes progressive damage to the eyes, skin, nerves and limbs
American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas)
A potentially life-threatening illness mainly transmitted by infected faeces of triatomine bugs
Human African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
A severe parasitic infection, transmitted by teste flies.
Visceral Leishmaniasis
A severe parasite infection transmitted by sandflies
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
A severe parasite infection transmitted by sandflies
A filarial disease which can lead to 'river blindness'
Lymphatic Filariasis
A worm infection transmitted by mosquitoes which can cause elephantiasis
Schistosomiasis Haematobia
A water borne helminth infection associated with urinary schistosomiasis.
S. mansoni nematodes. Property of the Centers for Disease Control.
Schistosomiasis Mansoni
A water-borne intestinal worm infection transmitted through contact with water.
Child with intestinal schistosome infection
Schistosomiasis Japonica
A water-borne intestinal helminth infecting a number of mammals.
An intestinal worm infection spread through infected eggs in faeces
An intestinal helminth transmitted through contamination of soil with faeces
Hookworm infection
A worm infection, transmitted by eggs in faeces, which can cause severe anaemia.
Buruli Ulcer
A bacterial infection causing skin lesions.


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  • Macrofilaricidal Efficacy of Repeated Doses of Ivermectin for the Treatment of River Blindness
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  • Systematic review of studies generating individual participant data on the efficacy of drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminthiases and the case for data-sharing
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